Charles Lindbergh's comment about birds
I enjoy watching not only wild creatures in flight -- I enjoy watching flying machines also, such as this vintage airplane that flew over my house today. And even though I have by now traveled several hundred thousand miles by air, I still enjoy all the sensations associated with being airborne.

"Lying under an acacia tree with the sound of the dawn around me, I realized more clearly the facts that man should never overlook: that the construction of an airplane, for instance, is simple when compared [with] a bird; that airplanes depend on an advanced civilization, and that where civilization is most advanced, few birds exist. I realized that if I had to choose, I would rather have birds than airplanes."
I agree, and that goes even for the scruffy Scrub-Jay that spent the afternoon in my backyard finding hiding places for sunflower seeds.

You might appreciate these pictures I took of a Steller's jay outside the house last evening.
The jays, of course, aren't necessarily always more quiet than the mechanical flying machines, but they are indeed often much more entertaining.
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