The Flycatcher
To describe my lifelong fascination with flight and with creatures that fly I like to echo the words of John James Audubon who in 1839 wrote of himself as " who never can cease to admire and to study with zeal and the most heartfelt reverence, the wonderful productions of an Almighty Creator."
I just want to let you know how much I enjoy your photos and comments. I live in the Willamette Valley as well, so especially enjoy seeing photos of birds and other creatures that I might see that very day myself, and your comments are often food for thought. (By the way, we have been looking for swifts since you posted your photo of them, but have not seen any. Have they left your area?) Your blog is my home page on my computer at work--a very much appreciated start to my work day. Thank you.
The Swifts are still here, but not in such large flocks. In fact, they are mostly in pairs now, and scattered throughout the larger community for nesting. I doubt that all of them can find chimneys, so some must be using hollow trees. I often see singletons along the Willamette R. far from human dwellings. Because they are usually flying high during the day, I usually hear them before I see them. Recognizing their characteristic twittering is the easiest way to find them.
Immediately after I posted my comment about the Swifts having scattered I noticed a small flock swirling about a chimney near my house. Apparently they have not yet all scattered, or maybe it's a rainy day phenomenon. Or maybe there are groups of non-breeding individuals that hang out together all summer. I'll be watching.
Thanks for your observations about swifts. Of course--they don't leave, they just stop flocking and break into nesting pairs (in this area? There's something I need to look into!) We'll keep looking (and listening) for them--thanks again.
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